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Counselling, Coaching and Learning (CCL)

An experienced, educator, counsellor and coach with a passion for the academic and emotional well being of young people

An experienced, educator, counsellor and coach with a passion for the academic and emotional well being of young people
Sustainable Development Goals Learner friendly Objectives

Sustainable Development Goals Learner friendly Objectives

Implementing Sustainability into the curriculum is a valuable asset to any teachers lesson. These objectives are learner friendly and adaptable to various subjects (beyond those usually inclusive of sustainability such as Humanities). I have had success in including these objectives in English, Maths, Science and P.E as well as the usual Humanities subjects where there are so many opportunities for sustainable educational development. OFSTED are taking a greater interest in Education for Sustainable Development, it is also noted in the teacher standards. These objectives are scaffolded, starting with basic skills for lower ages, to more advanced skills for older learners.